COVID-19 Update

The COVID-19 vaccine is here, and starting from tomorrow 30th December, the HSE will begin giving the vaccine to people in the highest priority groups – frontline healthcare workers, and older people living in long-term care facilities. We will begin vaccinating in four hospital sites tomorrow and a 6 week programme of vaccinations will commence in nursing homes nationwide from January 4th.

The COVID-19 vaccine will offer you protection from COVID-19. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine should also protect you from the serious complications of COVID-19. Our aim in offering the vaccine to the population is to protect people and reduce the illness and deaths caused by this virus.

 We are commencing an information programme all about the vaccine, starting with information for the first priority groups being offered the vaccine. Our information covers the topics that people told us were most important to them – when the vaccine will be available, who is in the priority groups, safety and long-term side effects, and how effective the vaccine is. We will begin radio and social media advertising on December 30th.

 We encourage everyone in Ireland to read about the COVID-19 vaccine and to get their information from a factual, trusted source – our website on is a good place to start, and you can find our vaccine information materials at

 An Easy Read Guide will be available in the coming days.

Public Health Measures

Ireland has now moved to Level 5 with some modifications.

You can see the measures in place here. We are asking everyone to please reduce their contacts as much as possible, and make sure to follow the public health advice to stop the spread of the virus.

 HSE COVID-19 Test and Trace is open

When you need a test for COVID-19, our health service works hard to make this as quick and safe as possible for you. If you feel unwell on a public holiday, the weekend or in the evening, the GP out of hours service can refer you for a test too. The GP referral and test are both free of charge. Most people will get a test appointment within 24 hours. Our contact tracers will continue to call people who test positive for COVID-19 and trace their close contacts to give them public health advice throughout the New Year.

 Contact tracers will advise close contacts to restrict their movements for 14 days and arrange a COVID-19 test. People who test positive and/or who have symptoms of COVID-19 must self-isolate in a room on their own and avoid other people. This will help stop the spread of the virus.

GP out of hours services are available throughout the country at weekends and evenings. You can find contact details for your local GP Out of Hours Service here.

Public Health Information

As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: and Clinical and professional guidance relating to COVID-19 is available on where you’ll find up to date guidance for healthcare settings and non-clinical settings.

 Please check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19.

Please also check the Healthy Ireland site here with further resources and information on the Keep Well campaign

You can view the latest information on how Ireland is responding to cases of COVID-19 here.

Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub is available here.

COVID-19 update

Minister Rabbitte confirmed the following yesterday evening on foot of the move to Level 5 restrictions:
“As the country moves to Level 5 from midnight on Wednesday, I confirm that disability day services are deemed essential and will continue to remain open. I know how important these services are to people across the country and such support is crucial.”

for further information regarding Level 5 restrictions please click on the link:

5k for 50k Fundraising Event

St. Hilda’s Services are delighted to be invited to be part of the Arcadia 5KFOR50K.  This is a series of five 5K family events aiming to raise €50,000 for local charities including St. Hilda’s Services.  The events are virtual so you can run, walk or cycle around your own area, at home, any where in the world.

St. Hilda’s Services is one of the focus charities for Stage 1 of the series on the 17th/18th July and your support is appreciated.

There are no race entry fees.  To support the charities simply donate at  100% of all funds raised will go to charity.  A €10 donation gives €1 to each local charity.  Arcadia, as sponsors, will add €10,000 to the pot once donations reach €50,000.

Follow the Facebook page ( for 5KFOR50K event updates where you can upload photos of your 5k.  Sports clubs, running clubs and other organisations can also take part and enter their race times online.  Good Luck to everyone!

St. Hilda's Services

Positive Pegs Fundraising Event

“Positive Pegs started out with one main aim – to make the community smile a little more during the unsettling time we found ourselves in.The little project grew wings.Kindness, creativity, fun & community spirit blossomed. ” Jane Walsh, creator of Positive Pegs.

Over the past months Positive Pegs appeared around Coosan and has brightened up the lives of those in the community.  Positive Pegs creator Jane Walsh (The Button Studio) has kindly organised a fundraising event in aid of St. Hilda’s, “My last wish at the helm of the Positive Peg Train is to try to give back a little to a very special LOCAL cause”.  St. Hilda’s Services are delighted to be a part of the Positive Peg story.

For further information on the Positive Peg project click on the link below:

To donate please click on link below:

Thank you to everyone who has donated to date, and a special thank you to Positive Pegs creator Jane Walsh, your kindness is greatly appreciated


Resources COVID-19

Dr Cathal Morgan, Head of Operations, HSE Disabilities has recorded a video to speak directly people with disabilities and their families at

A number of key resources have been added to the HSE Partner Resources specifically relevant to disabilities and includes areas below: 

  • COVID 19 FAQs for people with disabilities and families
  • Staff Guide on Easy Communication with people with intellectual disability and with autism
  • Staff Guide on Easy Communication with people with intellectual disability and with autism (short version)
  • Guide on communication apps for people with disabilities – Easy Read version
  • Staff Guide on communicating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons
  • Staff Guide for working with an ISL-English interpreter
  • Poster explaining COVID-19 test Process for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons
  • Updated List of Guidance

Detailed guidance on the testing process taking place across disability services is included in this site. Easy Read version: