Friends of St. Hilda’s Happy Steps 5k Fun Walk / Run takes place Sunday 29th September at 2pm, Starting at ATC, St. Hilda’s Services, Grace Park Road, Athlone, N37 YR62. Your support is welcome.

Friends of St. Hilda’s Happy Steps 5k Fun Walk / Run takes place Sunday 29th September at 2pm, Starting at ATC, St. Hilda’s Services, Grace Park Road, Athlone, N37 YR62. Your support is welcome.
Please click on link to access Return to work declaration
“Positive Pegs started out with one main aim – to make the community smile a little more during the unsettling time we found ourselves in.The little project grew wings.Kindness, creativity, fun & community spirit blossomed. ” Jane Walsh, creator of Positive Pegs.
Over the past months Positive Pegs appeared around Coosan and has brightened up the lives of those in the community. Positive Pegs creator Jane Walsh (The Button Studio) has kindly organised a fundraising event in aid of St. Hilda’s, “My last wish at the helm of the Positive Peg Train is to try to give back a little to a very special LOCAL cause”. St. Hilda’s Services are delighted to be a part of the Positive Peg story.
For further information on the Positive Peg project click on the link below:
To donate please click on link below:
Thank you to everyone who has donated to date, and a special thank you to Positive Pegs creator Jane Walsh, your kindness is greatly appreciated
Inclusion Ireland COVID- 19 Resources available to support individuals with disabilities and their families. Please click to the link to access resources.
Please see link below for access to HSE website for easy access information for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Dr Cathal Morgan, Head of Operations, HSE Disabilities has recorded a video to speak directly people with disabilities and their families at
A number of key resources have been added to the HSE Partner Resources specifically relevant to disabilities and includes areas below:
Detailed guidance on the testing process taking place across disability services is included in this site. Easy Read version:
The HSE and Department of Health have produced an Easy Read version of the Public Information Guide on Covid 19 (Coronavirus).
The Easy Read version will help those who sometimes find content hard to read, understand or act on. Staff working with vulnerable groups such as some, people with an intellectual disability, members of the Travelling community, homeless people or asylum seekers can order copies and share them with your service users by whatever possible means.
You can download or order copies here: Click on “Order Publications” and if you log in as a health professional you can order multiple copies. If you need any assistance with your order contact
St. Hilda’s Services are advised by the World Health Organisation, the European Centre for Disease Control. Health Protection Surveillance Centre and the HSE.
St. Hilda’s Services :
Anne Harney
Nurse for the Services
Ireland remains in an containment phase of the COVID-19 Coronavirus which means that actions are being taken to prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19.
The approach which has been taken to date in Ireland is in line with guidance from the WHO and ECDC (European Centre for Disease Control).
For the latest information about COVID-19 please see links:
St. Hilda`s Service Users are set to host a one day only exhibition on Thursday 5th of December at 6pm in Abbey Road Studios. All are welcome to attend.
At the end of this exhibition, the work will be brought to Luan Gallery to be exhibited in the boardwalk gallery space from Saturday 7th of December until Sunday 29th of December.
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